Scramble is one of my favorite games from the Google Play Store, definitely in the top three. I play it every day and it never gets old. We usually have at least 3 games going at once and sometimes up to 5 or 6 while we're at work. You can log into it with your Facebook account and connect with your friends that way, making it really easy to get started. But if you're like me and have only one or two people that you play with, there is a leaderboard that pops up from the main screen and lists all of the top scores from the people on your friends list that play as well. Not only does this keep you coming back to steal the top spot, but it helps you find more people to challenge. The scores are reset on a weekly basis and I am happy to say that I have claimed the #1 spot for the past few weeks with blue in 2nd place. ;]
Enjoyability: 5/5 It's so much fun to play and such a simple game. You'll quickly pick up how it works during the first round and then be hooked by the second one. Scramble has a few different items that you can use when you're stuck and can't find anything. You can do things like freeze the clock, reveal words, and, of course, scramble up the letters. You use tokens when you select these items but your tokens regenerate over time so you don't have ads popping up every 2 minutes asking you to buy more. It's a very competitive and fast-paced game. There are three rounds, each lasting only two minutes so it's easy to sneak in some ass-kicking even if you don't have much time to spare on video games.
Creativity: 2/5 Scramble is basically a touchscreen version of Boggle so I can't really give it a higher rating here. Most of the games that Zynga has made have been similar to other games, though, including Scrabble and Hangman. But the powerups and leaderboard add a nice touch and turning it into a game available for touchscreen phones and tablets was a great idea. It has made an already fun game more enjoyable and social because of how easy it is to challenge your friends and family.
Beauty: 4/5 The game was designed very well. Much like the gameplay, it's simple and straight-forward. The main screen has different sections where you can start up new games, view older games, and check the high scores with smooth navigation throughout the entire app. Once you start a round, you pick your items and then it takes you to a grid of letters where your games begins. The graphics are smooth and the sounds are nice, too. My only complaint is the sound for the timer because it's easy to lose track of how long you have left. So if the time runs out before you use your items, those tokens are wasted.
Overall: 4/5 Scramble is a great game. I was addicted as soon as I started playing and I have it up ever day so I definitely recommend it. I do want to point out that it freezes my phone up sometimes but I have an ancient Android so that's expected. Other than that and the sneaky timer, though, I have no complaints. I downloaded it months ago and it's still one of my favorite apps. |
His first word was "farts" |
| Scramble is tons of fun. I'm a huge fan of social games, and anything that I can make into a competition, so naturally I really enjoy this app. The weekly leaderboard is a fantastic new addition to show you how you stack up against the rest of your friends - and shooting for top score of the week is a great motivator to play. One of the perks of this game is that it only takes two minutes to play a round, so they're easy to squeeze into a busy schedule. I love playing against my girlfriend while I'm at work, and getting a new game or new round is more exciting than getting most texts (naked pictures excluded). This app is definitely worth the download, though as with most Zynga games, the paid version probably isn't worth it as all it offers is ad free and slightly faster coin generation.
Enjoyability: 5/5 This app is timeless, really. The first match is as enjoyable as the rest. This is important to me because I can't stand when games start fun and get boring after a few hours. The most enjoyable part for me is kicking the butt of pink over there (though to be honest she wins more times than not - but I'm beating her for top score of the week atm!)
Creativity: 2.5/5 As with most Zynga games, they're not very creative. They take ideas that have worked v in the past and rehash then - usually adding a social element. Scramble is basically boggle with friends. I gave them a 2.5 for some innovating features that they've added, that keeps the game fresh. Power ups, for instance are tons of fun. They force your to ask yourself "would I rather play more rounds or get higher scores" which is fun, and they're pretty useful.
Beauty: 4.5/5 The art in this app is easy on the eyes and the colors are easy on the eyes. The limited animations are well executed, smooth, and fitting. The sounds are equally well done. Overall the art direction of this game adds to the playability and enjoyability of the game.
Overall: 4/5 I recommend this game to anyone that loves to kick their friend asses at games that involve some thinking. The fast paced, brain wracking, game play will have you coming back for months and months. Asside for it not being extremely creative (if I was Hasbro I would hate Zynga) its a near prefect game. |
Participants play the individual card and the opponent's score is invisible to end of the round. within the first round, players receive points for the words with adjacent letters in the second and third phases, some of the limitations of the tile, like double points or triple proposes to use a specific letter.
ReplyDeleteI really love this game. Hope I can find a challenging match without using any scramble with friends cheats :D
I've been playing Words With Friends for quite a while. Too many games actually. I think I have at least 10 games going on at any time. No, I'm not exaggerating. Last night, Susan and I started playing a new game from the makers of Words With Friends. This one is called Scramble With Friends.
ReplyDeletescramble with friends cheat